Thursday, July 29, 2010

The eagerness of JPA

JPA came to life as a result of JSR 220. This request originated to provide a uniform API and way of working across different ORM solutions such as Hibernate, Toplink and JDO. One member of the expert group leading JSR 220 was righteously Gavin King, the main inventor of Hibernate. Since Hibernate is the most widely used implementation, I thougth they would follow most of its important design decisions. For instance in hibernate the default fetching strategy is 'lazy'. Although this can sometimes lead to difficulties with casts and object equality (if you received a proxy in stead of the real object), it has as advantage that you only fetch dependencies in memory when you need them. I was suprised to see that in JPA the default fetch of a @manyToOne for instance is 'eager'?!

This lead to the fact that someone in my team unwillingly dragged half the DB in memory :) If anybody knows why they decided to change this, please let me know. Thx

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