Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thou shall respect the carriage return

As usual it was fairly late notice when we as the development team heard our certificates were only still valid a day and a half before expiring. Luckily the procedure to prolong them was already executed. We had sent them to our CA, Fedict, which had extented their validity and send them all back in one big zip.

Beside the complete lack of naming convention of the cert file names, a few things suprised me in the renewal process. We had at least 16 or more certificates to import for different environments and customers and had to chain each of them with an intermediate and root level certificate, also provided by the CA. Although this is a trivial task, it made me wonder why they couldn't have done this for us, you know, being a customer of their services. Second of all it was in pem format, which was nice, but it looked something like this:


Importing them in our jks was impossible unless we added the begin and end phrase to make it look like this:


Although this is also a known practice and was quickly done, it was again something they could have done for us, you know, being a customer of their services. Lastly while doing all this, I noticed another subtlety, this time about the jks. It only allows the import if there is a carriage return after the last phrase. So you had to explicitly say '----END CERTIFICATE-----CR' before the import succeeded. I wonder if this also is a security feature.